Sunday 28 April 2013

Basic software/web – programming interview questions

How to create facebook app

How to create facebook app for our website

How to upload 10 files on same time in filezilla

Please go to Edit menu and select ‘Settings’ option. It will show us a dialog box, click on ‘Transfers’ option. There will be an option titled ‘Maximum simultaneous transfers’ at the right side. Put 10 as value in it. Now if our internet speed is better then we can upload 10 files one time.

How to set header in php mail code

Htaccess tips and tricks

Meta Tags

An HTML tag that contains descriptive information about a webpage and does not appear when the webpage is displayed in a browser. A word that is in a metatag of a webpage will cause that webpage to turn up as a result of a search engine’s search on that word, even if that word is not found in the webpage as viewed in a browser. We set it between start and end position of head tag.

Create thumbnail image by php

When we upload large size images on server. Uploaded large images take more time to load on webpage, so we need to show small size images on our webpage. Image thumbnail is a solution to generate uploaded image’s thumbnail to show required size images on our website.

Send mail by using PHPMailer via smtp, basic with authentication and attachments

Many of times php mail function does not send mail from our website to customer that time. we use an other option, SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for sending mail. It is very easy to configure and integrate with our site.

Setting custom toolbarset of FCKeditor

Fckeditor is best lightweight ready-to-use open source WYSIWYG text editor for any web application. We can enter any type of paragraphs, images, html elements etc into. It is fully free and customizable web content editor. Here we will know that how can we create our own custom toolbar for fckeditor for our website.